Luke Opperman

A welcome desire to write and learn

June 29, 2015 | 255 Words

I find myself with plenty I’d like to talk about and in need of a simple, technically-minded venue for topics that don’t fit in my general traveling and living blog. I feel late to the party, here in 2015 blogging and RSS feeds seems long in the tooth, but I’ve been around for all this time, and freshly dusting off one blog and minting a new one seem low-risk in the larger scheme.

I’m giving this space a technical scope, but interpreting that broadly - while this is hosted at github and my formerly-daily work is behind-the-scenes internet software development and consulting, my technical interests are widely scattered from medicine, craftsmanship of all orders, and love of learning. And this last topic is my current impetus, as I continue to take free online classes (MOOCs or OCW lectures) mostly through Coursera. A list of past classes, that I probably won’t write about but do recommend:

So there will be some course notes and reviews, some exploration of technical spinoffs from these ideas, some talking through technical puzzles from work or not, and probably some home repair and gardening minutia.
